Department of Surgery

Edith Tzeng, MD

  • UPMC Professor of Surgery
  • Chief of Vascular Surgery, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, University Drive

Dr. Tzeng’s research focuses on vascular related topics. She has a strong focus on translational studies of vascular healing and wound healing. The effect of small molecules such as carbon monoxide and nitric oxide on the prevention of intimal hyperplasia is an active area of research with an attempt to understand the mechanisms by which these molecules achieve their benefit in the vasculature. Related to vascular healing is cutaneous wound healing. The beneficial effects of CO and NO have also been shown in cutaneous wound healing and efforts are ongoing to better evaluate these effects. The ultimate goal of her research is to bring these agents to clinical application.

Education & Training

  • BS, University of Illinois
  • MD, University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine
  • Surgery Residency, University Health Center of Pittsburgh
  • Research Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh Department of Surgery
  • Vascular Surgery Fellowship, University Health Center of Pittsburgh

Representative Publications

Dr. Tzeng's publications can be reviewed through PubMed.

Research, Clinical, and/or Academic Interests

  • Vasoprotective functions of carbon monoxide and nitrite/nitrate in vascular injury
  • Innate immunity and danger signals in angiogenesis and vascular injury
  • Role of carbon monoxide and nitrite/nitrate in wound healing and aortic aneurysm formation
  • Translation of inhaled carbon monoxide and dietary nitrite/nitrate to clinical application through clinical trials of post-stenting restenosis

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